Sunday, 15 December 2013

Baking and The Biscuit….x

Another busy week and only one week until the children finish school for the Christmas holidays.
I'm currently putting work together for my exhibition at the Mustard Gallery,Langholm which starts on the 18th January,2014 until 25th February.I'll be at the gallery on the opening Saturday to demonstrate my watercolour -based mixed media.Hope the weather holds off!

Spring Fling have also announced the 95 selected participants for next year's event 24-26 May.I'm delighted to say that I'll be participating and exhibiting from my home /studio in Dumfries. Bea has already been practicing her baking for Bea's Bakery -yesterday was home-made mince pies and orange & chocolate scones.Absolutely delicious!

Spring Fling have a number of exciting events arranged for next year .The website is where you can check everything out. As part of their Going National campaign,  I was  delighted to find out that I've been selected to exhibit at The Biscuit Factory in Newcastle.The exhibition runs from 9th April to 18th May.This will be my first time exhibiting outside of Dumfries and Galloway-very excited!

The work selected to go into the Spring Fling brochure for 2014 is this one…..

Last week I purchased an anglepoise desk lamp with a daylight bulb.I can actually see what I'm doing now through these twilight days-result! 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

December 1st!

Apologies that it has been so long since my last post but life and it's priorities often get in the way of my art.It can be frustrating however a tragedy such as the Glasgow disaster on Friday night whereby a police helicopter not only fell out of the sky but landed on a crowded pub certainly helps put things in perspective.

Back in the art world I have exciting news to tell followed by more exciting news…however my lips are sealed for the time being as requested by those involved.In the meantime I'm fortunate to be selecting work to go in the rather wonderful Mustard Gallery at Langholm's Christmas pop-up exhibition next weekend (6-8 December).I'm selecting 3 larger pieces -2 of which have gone off to the framer's.

This piece is entitled'Threads'-the photo above is of it in its unfinished state but as it is at the framer's I couldn't update it. I used gesso,sand and modelling paste to build the 'threads' then used a printing roller to build layers of colour with acrylic paint. Acrylic ink was then used on the textured areas before adding highlights of silver leaf.The canvas is 20 x 60 cm and a departure from the square canvases I had been using.The threads relate to the Three Norns who sit and weave  the destiny of men. I wanted an element of fragility  within the texture to represent  our own lives,  life cycle and how our threads intertwine with so many others.

I'll blog again soon with Part 2 of my work but have a wonderful December…can't quite work out how that crept up so quickly…...