Sunday 7 July 2013

On vacation...

This week saw the start of the  school holidays here in South-West Scotland.It's been a week of cleaning,laundry,shopping,cooking,baking as we prepare to travel to Yorkshire for the week. It doesn't often happen however we'll be travelling light-T-shirts,suncream and beach towels! It's going to be the hottest week of the year so playing in the river and BBQs will be order of the day in North Yorkshire.

Tomorrow we're planned our visit to Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth Museum in the Lake District. Eldest child is studying for her Higher English and they're currently doing the Romantic poets. I'm hoping to get my own inspiration too....
Meanwhile youngest child turns thirteen while we're away .From 6lb 15 oz to 5' 10" in 13 very short years.....

It's been a great start to the summer so far-congratulations Andy Murray,an epic win. Chris Froome,current yellow jersey in the Tour de France is also performing magnificently too.

Off to pack the car for our early start in the morning.  I'll be back next Saturday....enjoy your week folks,speak soon....x

Little Stainforth, North Yorkshire. May 2013.

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