Sunday 15 September 2013

September Start-up......

It's been a great week which  involved seeing art as well as finally getting back to creating it.On Friday I drove  across to Langholm to the excellent Mustard Gallery to see the opening exhibition of work by Gill Shreeve. Her acrylic abstract work is wonderful-backed by images of her up on the hills in all elements with her materials and rolls of canvas. An exciting way to work which shows in the dynamic movement in her pieces.Unfortunately I didn't take any photos....but it was a really enjoyable evening.

It was good to finally get back into the studio as it has been a lengthy break. With work required for a Winter/Christmas pop-up exhibition at the Mustard Gallery and the deadline for Spring Fling Open Studios event 2014 looming I really needed to at least make a start.

I started on a canvas,preparing it with texture and adding layers of colour. This is just the start and definitely work in progress.


And in the meantime the damsons became jam,the apples have been stewing and  I've acquired plums which are soon to be plum and mulled wine chutney...... Well the nights are drawing in and the weather has that autumnal feel to it.

Work in progress.....
From working on the canvas the cogs have starting cranking up and a feel new ideas blossoming.Hopefully they'll become real in time for the Spring Fling application deadline.....

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