Thursday 2 January 2014

A new year

 The end of a year and start  of a new one is always time for reflection -on what has passed and what the new year will hold.It has been another roller coaster year for us and the start of 2014 is going to be difficult as we deal with impending loss.We are fortunate to have so many family and good friends who have stood with us through the good times and bad.

I don't really make any resolutions  but I'll endeavour to have more of the following ….

And instead of thinking about things for the year ahead,I think this is more apt ...

We have a number of positive things to look forward to both from a personal point of view and in my creative world.Sometimes though ,it's just the simple things that bring me the most pleasure…today was a walk and the sun came out……

may it shine brightly through your new year too……
Peace,health and happiness to you all….x

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