Friday, 7 June 2013

Guid Nychburris

Apologies for the blog delay as it's been another busy and productive week. 'Guid Nychburris' or 'Good Neighbours' is a week- long festival in Dumfries which celebrates its Royal Charter issued by King Robert III in 1186. This move ensured loyalty of the town's citizens to the monarch.Dumfries was never walled however the Riding of the Marches or boundaries was to ensure that the town boundaries were not encroached upon.The third Saturday of June every year sees the historic Ride of the Marches taking place culminating in the Queen of the South being crowned at the Midsteeple in the town.

June is therefore a particularly busy time for community activities taking place . Yesterday afternoon and evening saw me helping out at the Guid Nychburris swimming gala.Children from across the region participated ,I think the number stated was 160 plus,and it was a fantastic event ......

Earlier in the week saw me head to the local library .To continue my body of work I find that delving into books inspires and motivates me .I keep a sketchbook to hand as often when I'm reading something springs to mind and I need to capture it.The wonderful librarian even went searching in the basement for books that hadn't been touched in years.....

This weekend both children are participating in the Dumfries Summer Open competition at the DG1 leisure complex.I'll be there volunteering in my role as timekeeper and assistant medal -presenter ( a great job!).Next week I'll be immersed in these...


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