Thursday 20 June 2013


Over the last few weeks I've been gathering ideas for more collage work. It was interesting at Spring Fling to have the opportunity to discuss techniques I use. Often I do things and while it may be noted in a sketchbook or journal,discussing it with someone makes me question and have a deeper understanding of what I'm doing and what I'm trying to achieve.

Working in mixed media allows for exploration  of a number of elements which will form the finished piece such as the media to be used utilising different techniques to explore  the surface,form,texture and colour.

When working on a piece some pieces just 'work' -collage is one of those techniques that I really enjoy.It can be daunting-composition ,materials,size -all require questioning.At university I used small canvases to produce studies for the finished piece. During my pre-Spring Fling clear-out some work was thrown out as it is impossible to keep hold of everything. This small study remains as I can't bear to part  with it.It uses the strata of rocks simultaneously with the lines of music and photographs symbolic of layers of memories......


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